Yimmo public API. Provides access to most commonly used types and routines.
Libyimmo uses Semantic Versioning for package releases versions, and libtool versioning for the library’s ABI version.
The following macros can be used to determine version info at compile-time:
Libyimmo package major version
Libyimmo package minor version
Libyimmo patch level
Libyimmo package version (Semantic Versioning).
The version is encoded as a 32-bit unsigned integer. In most-to-least significant byte order the bytes are
, andpatch
.(The least significant byte is reserved for future use)
assert( ((YIMMO_VERSION >> 24) & 0xff) == YIMMO_VERSION_MAJOR ); assert( ((YIMMO_VERSION >> 16) & 0xff) == YIMMO_VERSION_MINOR ); assert( ((YIMMO_VERSION >> 8) & 0xff) == YIMMO_VERSION_PATCH );
#define YIMMO_VERSION 0x00020400
Libtool ABI “current”
Libtool ABI “age”.
#define YMO_ABI_AGE 1
Libtool ABI “revision”.
type ymo_status_t¶
Status code type used by the libyimmo API (generally follows errno.h).
This is just a typedef for
. It exists to make it easier for library maintainers to identify status values in the code. It’s not necessary that you useymo_status_t
in your own code (though, you are also welcome to!).typedef int ymo_status_t;
Status code indicating everything went okay.
Spoiler: this is defined to be
and we use errno.h code values for error conditions.Definition:
#define YMO_OKAY 0
Convenience macro for setting error condition from functions that return a
. The following are functionally equivalent:ssize_t my_blocking_function() { errno = EAGAIN; return -1; } ssize_t my_blocking_function() { return YMO_ERROR_SSIZE_T(EAGAIN); }
#define YMO_ERROR_SSIZE_T(x) (errno=x, -1)
Convenience macro for setting error condition from functions that return a pointer. The following are functionally equivalent:
void* my_blocking_function() { errno = EAGAIN; return NULL; } void* my_blocking_function() { return YMO_ERROR_PTR(EAGAIN); }
#define YMO_ERROR_PTR(x) (errno=x, NULL)
type ymo_server_t¶
Opaque struct used to represent a single server.
A yimmo “server” consists of a listener for a single port.
For more detailed information, see the Server docs.
typedef struct ymo_server ymo_server_t;
type ymo_conn_t¶
Opaque struct used to represent a connection.
For more detailed information, see the Connections docs.
typedef struct ymo_conn ymo_conn_t;
type ymo_proto_t¶
Opaque struct type used to represent a protocol.
For more detailed information, see the Protocols docs.
typedef struct ymo_proto ymo_proto_t;
type ymo_user_conn_init_cb_t¶
User-level connection init callback.
This function provides user-code with an opportunity to associate application data with a newly initiated connection. The data associated with the connection will also be passed to the user cleanup callback just prior to final connection teardown.
(see also
)- Param server
server object issuing the callback
- Param conn
new connection object
Returns user data to associate with the new connection
typedef void* (*ymo_user_conn_init_cb_t)( ymo_server_t* server, ymo_conn_t* conn);
type ymo_user_conn_cleanup_cb_t¶
User-level connection cleanup callback.
This function provides user-code with an opportunity to perform some cleanup on application data associated with the connection, just prior to final teardown.
(see also
)- Param server
server object issuing the callback
- Param conn
new connection object
- Param user
data associated with connection
typedef void (*ymo_user_conn_cleanup_cb_t)( ymo_server_t* server, ymo_conn_t* conn, void* user);
type ymo_server_config_flags_t¶
Enumeration type used to pass server configuration flags.
typedef enum ymo_server_config_flags { YMO_SERVER_REUSE_ADDR = 0x01, /* allow service to bind while socket in the WAIT state */ YMO_SERVER_REUSE_PORT = 0x02, /* allow multiple processes to bind to the listen port */ } ymo_server_config_flags_t;
type ymo_server_config_t¶
Struct used to pass configuration information to
.typedef struct ymo_server_config { struct ev_loop* loop; /* I/O loop */ ymo_user_conn_init_cb_t user_init; /* user conn init callback */ ymo_user_conn_cleanup_cb_t user_cleanup; /* user conn cleanup callback */ in_port_t port; /* listen port */ ymo_server_config_flags_t flags; /* server settings */ int listen_backlog; /* TCP listen backlog */ int use_tls; /* 1: enabled; 0; disabled */ const char* cert_path; /* Optional TLS cert */ const char* key_path; /* Optional TLS private key*/ } ymo_server_config_t;
type ymo_bucket_t¶
Apache-esque “bucket” type used to handle streams of data.
typedef struct ymo_bucket ymo_bucket_t;
ymo_bucket_t *ymo_bucket_create(ymo_bucket_t *restrict prev, ymo_bucket_t *restrict next, char *buf, size_t buf_len, const char *data, size_t len)¶
Create a “bucket” containing data to process.
A bucket has two pointer fields and two length fields. One points to the data to be sent. The other is an optional pointer to the buffer containing that data which is to freed on send.
- Parameters
prev – a pointer to the previous bucket in the list (may be NULL)
next – a pointer to the next bucket in the list (may be NULL)
buf – an optional pointer to managed data to be freed on send (may be NULL)
buf_len – length of buf (must be specified if buf is non-NULL)
data – a pointer to the data to be sent
len – the length of the data to be sent
- Returns
a new bucket created from the input parameters
// hello is not freed after send, because we just provide "data": ymo_bucket_t* hello = ymo_bucket_create( NULL, NULL, // don't bother with next/prev for first item NULL, 0, // no "buf" set here "Hello, ", 7 // data to be sent is here ); // world is freed after send because we provided the "data" (item to be // sent), as well as "buf" (the underlying buffer): char* world = strdup("World!"); ymo_bucket_t* world = ymo_bucket_create( hello, NULL, // world is part of a chain; hello is before it world, 7, // this is the buffer containing the payload world, 6 // this is the payload ); // send "Hello, world!" somewhere: some_send_function(fd, hello);
ymo_bucket_t *ymo_bucket_create_cpy(ymo_bucket_t *restrict prev, ymo_bucket_t *restrict next, const char *buf, size_t buf_len)¶
Create a “bucket” copying data to process.
- Parameters
prev – a pointer to the previous bucket in the list (may be NULL)
next – a pointer to the next bucket in the list (may be NULL)
buf – a pointer to the data to be copied and sent
buf_len – the length of the data to be copied sent
- Returns
a new bucket created from the input parameters
ymo_bucket_t *ymo_bucket_from_file(ymo_bucket_t *restrict prev, ymo_bucket_t *restrict next, const char *filepath)¶
Create a “bucket” from the file at filepath.
- Parameters
prev – a pointer to the previous bucket in the list (may be NULL)
next – a pointer to the next bucket in the list (may be NULL)
filepath – the filepath of the file data to be sent
prev – a pointer to the previous bucket in the list (may be NULL)
next – a pointer to the next bucket in the list (may be NULL)
filepath – the filepath of the file data to be sent
- Returns
a new bucket created from the input parameters
- Returns
a new bucket created from the input parameters
Create a bucket which references static data (or data that is guaranteed to live longer than the bucket itself).
- Parameters
data – a pointer to the data to be sent
len – the length of the data to be sent
- Returns
a new bucket created from the input parameters
#define YMO_BUCKET_FROM_REF(data, len) \ ymo_bucket_create(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, data, len)
Create a bucket by copying the given data and allowing yimmo to manage the copy internally.
- Parameters
data – a pointer to the data to be copied and sent
len – the length of the data to be copied and sent
- Returns
a new bucket created from the input parameters
#define YMO_BUCKET_FROM_CPY(data, len) \ ymo_bucket_create_cpy(NULL, NULL, data, len)
ymo_bucket_t *ymo_bucket_append(ymo_bucket_t *restrict dst, ymo_bucket_t *restrict src)¶
Append src onto dst, if it exists; else return src.
- Parameters
dst – Destination bucket.
src – Source bucket.
- Returns
destination with src appended.
size_t ymo_bucket_len_all(ymo_bucket_t *p)¶
Get the total length of a chain of buckets.
- Parameters
p – head of bucket chain
- Returns
length of all content in the chain of buckets
ymo_bucket_t *ymo_bucket_tail(ymo_bucket_t *p)¶
Get the last bucket in a chain of buckets.
- Parameters
p – a bucket in a chain of buckets
- Returns
a pointers to the last bucket in the chain
void ymo_bucket_free(ymo_bucket_t *bucket)¶
Free a bucket and - if managed - it’s buffer.
- Parameters
bucket – the bucket to free.
void ymo_bucket_free_all(ymo_bucket_t *bucket)¶
Free all buckets in a chain.
- Parameters
bucket – invoke
on every bucket in a chain
Server Functions¶
type ymo_server_state_t¶
Enum used to indicate state for
. Used primarily to track termination state (graceful vs hard stop, etc).typedef enum ymo_server_state { YMO_SERVER_CREATED, YMO_SERVER_INITIALIZED, YMO_SERVER_STARTED, YMO_SERVER_STOP_GRACEFUL, } ymo_server_state_t;
ymo_server_t *ymo_server_create(ymo_server_config_t *svr_config, ymo_proto_t *proto)¶
Create a new server object.
- Parameters
svr_config – configurations struct for the new server
proto – pointer to a protocol created using the init function in the appropriate module. (see also
- Returns
pointer to a new server instance or NULL on failure
ymo_status_t ymo_server_init(ymo_server_t *server)¶
Bind the server to the configured port.
- Parameters
server – the server to start
- Returns
YMO_OKAY on success; appropriate errno on failure
ymo_status_t ymo_server_init_socket(ymo_server_t *server, int fd)¶
Initialize a server using a pre-configured socket. :param server: the server to start :param fd: the socket the server should listen on :returns: YMO_OKAY on success; appropriate errno on failure
ymo_status_t ymo_server_pre_fork(ymo_server_t *server)¶
Invoke before forking if forked processes will share a common listen socket.
ymo_status_t ymo_server_start(ymo_server_t *server, struct ev_loop *loop)¶
Create and start the ev_io watchers for the listen fd we invoke accept() on.
If you intend to fork and the forked processes will share a common listen fd, you must call
before starting the server!- Parameters
server – the server to start
- Returns
YMO_OKAY on success; appropriate errno on failure
ymo_server_state_t ymo_server_get_state(ymo_server_t *server)¶
struct ev_loop *ymo_server_loop(ymo_server_t *server)¶
Get the ev loop used by a given server.
ymo_status_t ymo_server_stop_graceful(ymo_server_t *server)¶
Gracefully shutdown a ymo_server.
- Parameters
server – the server to stop
- Returns
YMO_OKAY on success; appropriate errno on failure
void ymo_server_free(ymo_server_t *server)¶
Free a server object.
- Parameters
server – the server instance to free
Connection Functions¶
ymo_server_t *ymo_conn_server(const ymo_conn_t *conn)¶
Given a connection, return a pointer to the owning server.
- Parameters
conn – valid ymo_conn_t
- Returns
the ymo_server_t instance which owns the given connection
struct ev_loop *ymo_conn_loop(const ymo_conn_t *conn)¶
Given a connection, return a pointer to the managing ev_loop.
- Parameters
conn – valid ymo_conn_t
- Returns
the struct ev_loop* used to manage the connection I/O
ymo_proto_t *ymo_conn_proto(const ymo_conn_t *conn)¶
Given a connection, return a pointer to the current protocol
- Parameters
conn – valid ymo_conn_t
- Returns
the current protocol for this connection
void ymo_conn_id(uuid_t dst, const ymo_conn_t *conn)¶
Given a connection, return its unique identifier.
- Parameters
dst – the destination uuid_t object into which we copy the id
conn – valid ymo_conn_t
char *ymo_conn_id_str(const ymo_conn_t *conn)¶
Given a connection, return a pointer to the string representation of its unique identifier.
- Parameters
conn – a valid ymo_conn_t
- Returns
const char* to string representation of conn uuid.
This function is not thread-safe. The pointer returned is to a static string buffer. For multi-threaded uses, best leverage ymo_conn_id to copy the connection id into a local uuid_t and use uuid_unparse.
ymo_status_t ymo_conn_shutdown(ymo_conn_t *conn)¶
Start the shutdown sequence for a connection’s underlying socket.
- Parameters
conn – The connection to close.
- Returns
the connection state after invocation.
Protocol Functions¶
const char *ymo_proto_name(ymo_proto_t *proto)¶
Given a protocol object, return the protocol name.
- Parameters
proto – The protocol object we wish to identify
- Returns
string representation of the protocol name