Yimmo YAML

warning:: This module is a hack!

type ymo_yaml_type_t

YMO Yaml node type.

typedef enum {
} ymo_yaml_type_t;
type ymo_yaml_doc_t

Opaque type reprsenting a yaml doc.

typedef struct ymo_yaml_doc ymo_yaml_doc_t;
type ymo_yaml_node_t

Opaque type reprsenting a yaml node.

typedef struct ymo_yaml_node ymo_yaml_node_t;

Doc Functions

ymo_yaml_doc_t *ymo_yaml_load_file(const char *f_path)

Load a yaml document from the given file path.

TODO: Probably, it’d be nice to be able to load from FILE* or memory too.

  • f_path – the file to load the yaml from


pointer to yaml doc; else return null and set errno

const char *ymo_yaml_doc_filepath(const ymo_yaml_doc_t *doc)

Get the file path for a loaded yaml doc.

ymo_yaml_node_t *ymo_yaml_doc_root(const ymo_yaml_doc_t *doc)

Get the root node for a YAML document.

void ymo_yaml_doc_print_json_hack(FILE *out_file, const ymo_yaml_doc_t *doc)

Added for debug. Probably, don’t use this. It’s going away (or else going to be significantly refactored.

void ymo_yaml_doc_free(ymo_yaml_doc_t *doc)

Free a yaml doc.

Node Functions

TODO: scalar, sequence, and type conversion stuff ala ymo_env.

ymo_yaml_type_t ymo_yaml_node_type(const ymo_yaml_node_t *node)

Given a yaml item, return its type.

const ymo_yaml_node_t *ymo_yaml_item_next(const ymo_yaml_node_t *list, const ymo_yaml_node_t *current)

Iterate over items in a list or keys in a mapping, one by one. Invoked the first time with current = NULL;

const ymo_yaml_node_t *ymo_yaml_doc_get(ymo_yaml_doc_t *doc, ...);

Given a set of keys, return the value of the first yaml node that matches.

const ymo_yaml_node_t *ymo_yaml_doc_vget(ymo_yaml_doc_t *doc, va_list args)

Given a set of keys, return the value of the first yaml node that matches.

const ymo_yaml_node_t *ymo_yaml_object_get(const ymo_yaml_node_t *node, const char *key)

Given a yaml object, return the value for the given key as a yaml node.

const ymo_yaml_node_t *ymo_yaml_node_child(const ymo_yaml_node_t *key)

Given a yaml node representing a mapping key, return the value node.

const char *ymo_yaml_node_as_str(const ymo_yaml_node_t *node)

Given a yaml object, return the value as a string.

int ymo_yaml_node_as_long(const ymo_yaml_node_t *node, long *value)

Given a yaml object, return the value as a long.

int ymo_yaml_node_as_float(const ymo_yaml_node_t *node, float *value)

Given a yaml object, return the value as a float.