yimmo Module¶
Setup for the yimmo python module.
Default port to listen on for http connections.
#define DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT 8081
extern PyObject *pSys;¶
Module-level object dependencies:
extern PyObject* pSys;
extern PyObject *pStderr;¶
Environ Values (set once — we can use SetItemString for these):
extern PyObject* pStderr;
extern PyObject *pEnvironKeyInput;¶
Environ Keys (reused — save time using SetItem):
extern PyObject* pEnvironKeyInput;
extern PyObject *pAttrWrite;¶
Common attribute names (resued — save time using GetAttr):
extern PyObject* pAttrWrite;
ymo_status_t ymo_wsgi_init(ymo_wsgi_proc_t *w_proc)¶
Main WSGI initialization routine:
creates the HTTP server
spawns initial processes
multi proc mode: start watching child processes
single proc mode: start python interpretter
int ymo_wsgi_shutdown(void)¶
Stop the WSGI server.