Process Worker

Functions for controlling forking and signal handling in yimmo-wsgi


HACK: move elsewhere



struct ymo_wsgi_proc

Stores process information for the WSGI server in both single- and multi-processing mode.

struct ymo_wsgi_proc {
    /* Process Info: */
    char*   proc_name;
    size_t  proc_name_len;
    size_t  proc_name_buflen;
    long    no_wsgi_proc;
    long    no_wsgi_threads;
    int     restart_count;
    long    port;
    int     term;

    /* Process Type: */
    int  is_main;
    int  is_worker;

    /* Main process: */
    pid_t*     children;
    ev_signal  sigint_watcher;
    ev_signal  sigchld_watcher;
    ev_signal  sigterm_watcher;
    ev_timer   pkill_timer;
    ev_timer   tkill_timer;

    /* Child process: */
    pid_t              ppid;
    int                worker_id;
    ymo_wsgi_worker_t* w_threads;

    /* All processes: */
    ymo_server_t*   http_srv;
    struct ev_loop* loop;
    char*           module;
    char*           app;
    ymo_yaml_doc_t* cfg;


pid_t ymo_wsgi_proc_fork_new(ymo_wsgi_proc_t *w_proc, int worker_id)

Invoked by the main process in multi-processing mode to spawn a new worker process.

int ymo_wsgi_proc_main(ymo_wsgi_proc_t *w_proc)

Entrypoint for WSGI worker processes (or the main process in single-proc mode).

void ymo_wsgi_proc_sigint(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_signal *w, int revents)

SIGINT handler.

void ymo_wsgi_proc_sigchld(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_signal *w, int revents)

SIGCHLD handler.

void ymo_wsgi_proc_sigterm(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_signal *w, int revents)

SIGTERM handler.

ymo_wsgi_worker_t *ymo_wsgi_init_workers(int no_wsgi_threads, struct ev_loop *loop)

Spawn no_wsgi_threads worker threads.

Returns a pointer to an array of works.


This is a HACK.

ymo_status_t ymo_wsgi_stop_workers(int no_wsgi_threads, ymo_wsgi_worker_t *workers)

Stop the WSGI worker threads in the the workers array.


This is a HACK.

ymo_wsgi_worker_t *ymo_wsgi_proc_assign_worker(ymo_wsgi_proc_t *w_proc, size_t session_id)

Given a session ID, return the worker that should handle requests from the session.